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The ThoughtStretchers Podcast

Aug 31, 2017

Episode 84 of the TeachThought Podcast is the second in a 12-part series on reinventing learning for the always-on generation.

In this series, Ryan Schaaf takes a look at what a modern learner ‘is’ and how teachers can adapt to and serve them. Ryan is Assistant Professor of Technology, Notre Dame of...

Aug 18, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with Andy Smarick, Morgridge Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, about his recent article in National Affairs Magazine regarding the legacy of the structures of control of our education systems and school choice and how rethinking those might lead to real improvements.

Aug 17, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with Jeff Lowe and Sarah Richards from SMART Technologies about the challenges and best practices for implementing #Edtech and effective collaboration strategies. 

Aug 9, 2017

Episode 81 of the TeachThought podcast is the first in a 12-part series on reinventing learning for the 'always on' generation.

In this series, Ryan Schaaf takes a look at what a modern learner 'is' and how teachers can adapt to and serve them. Ryan is Assistant Professor of Technology, Notre Dame of Maryland University...