May 26, 2021
Drew Perkins talks with teacher Natalie Croney about teaching through the pandemic and racial reckoning of 2020-21 and her involvement with National Geographic's Both/And StoryMap project.
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
May 21, 2021
Drew Perkins talks with Howard Burton about his book, Exceptionally Upsetting: How Americans are increasingly confusing knowledge with opinion & what can be done about it.
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
May 19, 2021
Drew Perkins talks with Cornelius Grove about his new book, "A Mirror for Americans: What the East Asian Experience Tells Us about Teaching Students Who Excel", and the points of convergence of East Asian education with 'progressive' education.
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
May 13, 2021
Drew Perkins talks with Greg Lukianoff about his work with F.I.R.E. (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) and his attempt to create a durable set of principles to protect freedom of speech and thought in K12.
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
May 9, 2021
Drew Perkins talks with Lorea Martinez Perez about her new book, Teaching with the HEART in Mind: A Complete Educator's Guide to Social Emotional Learning.
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode: