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The ThoughtStretchers Podcast

Nov 17, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with Jesse Stommel, Executive Director of the Division of Teaching and Learning Technologies at University of Mary Washington about grading (or not grading), assessment and the relationship to teaching and...

Nov 9, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with Wayne Skipper, CEO and Founder of Concentric Sky about open badging, micro-credentialing and education and learning. 

Nov 4, 2017

TeachThought Podcast Ep. 92: Translating Courses from Face-to-Face to Online

by: TeachThought Staff

For episode 92 of the TeachThought podcast, Dr. Stacy Greathouse and Dr. Sheryl Hathaway explain a six-step process to translate courses from F2F to online formats. Using the example of an introduction activity from...