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The ThoughtStretchers Podcast

Apr 25, 2016

Drew Perkins talks with David Mead from Simon Senek's Start With Why organization about the how and why of establishing purpose in...

Apr 21, 2016

Drew Perkins talks with elementary teacher Nan Arant about her experience in our PBL workshop and the impact it has made on her teaching and her students.

Apr 18, 2016

Drew Perkins talks with the mind and personality behind the Green Bronx Machine, Stephen Ritz about his work to grow students by growing food. 

Apr 11, 2016

Drew Perkins talks with author, speaker, and researcher Alfie Kohn about the negative effects of homework, grading and standardized testing.  

Apr 4, 2016

Drew Perkins talks with Western Kentucky University professor Gary Houchens about school choice and charter schools as a school reform model.