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The ThoughtStretchers Podcast

Dec 31, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with TeachThought PD Facilitator John McCarthy about his new book, So All Can Learn: A Practical Guide to Differentiation.

Dec 27, 2017

Episode 99 of the TeachThought Podcast is the ninth episode in a 12-part series on reinventing learning for the always-on generation.

The series is based on the award-winning book, Reinventing Learning For The Always-On Generation: Strategies & Apps That Work.

In this series, Ryan Schaaf takes a look at what a modern...

Dec 21, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with Napa New Technology High School Principal Riley Johnson about his school's work to deepen the quality of PBL including authenticity, grouping, and collaboration tools. 

Dec 17, 2017

Drew Perkins talks with author Patty Alper about her book "Teach To Work" and how adding quality mentors can help students, especially in the context of PBL.

Dec 4, 2017

Episode 96 of the TeachThought Podcast is the eighth episode in a 12-part series on reinventing learning for the always-on generation.

The series is based on the award-winning book, Reinventing Learning For The Always-On Generation: Strategies & Apps That Work.

In this series, Ryan Schaaf takes a look at what a modern...